
Friday, November 22, 2013

Rescue Happens

Okay, so NaBloWriMo has kinda been a bust this year. Sorry-ish. But I'm kinda over posting just for the sake of posting. I'd rather have something to actually share, and "I went to work today" or "I spent all day in my jammies watching Netflix" isn't totally blog worthy. But today, I've got something exciting to share!

The Exodus Road has been trying for a few months to conduct a raid on a certain dance club in India. Previous attempts were unsuccessful as the club owners somehow learned about the raids in advance and moved out all the girls. But this week, the ER team tried again, with amazing results.

I'm on their texting list (which is AWESOME!) and got a text Wednesday night saying that 35 people (including 10 minors) were rescued from a dance club in India. Then an hour later, another text: "MORE! Team heard sounds coming fr wall. Broke thru & found 22 girls trapped. 56 new total now, 18 minors!" What an awesome series of texts to get!

Here's founder Matt Parker talking about the raid:
Girls Hidden Behind a Wall. (Update on raid for 56 victims) from The Exodus Road on Vimeo.

Can you imagine? Not only are you kept as a slave, raped multiple times a day, but then you're crammed behind a fake wall, all the while knowing other girls are getting rescued. Imagine, that was your life, but then you wake up Thursday morning, free. No slavery. No abuse. No rape. Just rescue. Just hope.

You can take part in funding rescue. Now til November 30th, Exodus Road is aiming to fully fund one year of rescue. They've put together four gift sets in their store to meet this goal. Or for more information about the Exodus Road and other ways you can be involved, head to their website.

1 comment:

  1. I'm slow getting to this post. Loved it. Thanks for using your voice for rescue, Ashley!


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