
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Best Reads of 2012

Sadly, I didn't make it to my goal of 50 books this year :( But I DID get super duper close: I read 49 books, parts of some other books, and a metric ton of blog posts. So here are the five books I loved the most this year. They are in no particular order; I had a hard enough time just narrowing it down to five!

Kisses From Katie (Katie Davis)
This was my first book in 2012 and I LOVED it! Katie's story is crazy and her faith is inspirational. How many 18 year-olds do you know that would move halfway across the world and adopt 15 kids on her own?!

Leading on Empty (Wayne Cordeiro)
This book has helped so much to help me learn to balance my life and my work/ministry. I am not totally good at the whole resting thing until it gets bad, but with this book I've gotten better, and plan to keep at it in 2013.

Let's Pretend This Never Happened (Jenny Lawson)
I have never laughed so much or so hard at a book as I did with this one. Jenny Lawson is hysterical with life stories that are too funny to be made up. Because of this book, she's now on my list of "Famous People I Want to be Friends With". Be warned though, she swears like a sailor.

The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous, and Broke (Suze Orman)
This book is long and detailed, but so good! I now am prepared to get my finances totally in order, including starting a retirement fund. Suze walks you through everything from credit cards and ratings to retirement planning and big-ticket purchases while acknowledging the difficulties of being young and broke. A Must Read for young people wanting to start a strong financial life.

When Helping Hurts (Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert)
Corbett and Fikkert make the point that the poor are people as much as anyone else, yet many poverty relief projects treat them as if they can't do anything for themselves. The authors go on to share how to best help the poor while honoring them as people and empowering them to take charge of their own lives. Should be read by anyone in Missions or Outreach ministries.

So that's my favorite reads of 2012! There were a bunch of other great books, and you can see the list here. What great things did you read this year?

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