Under the Overpass by Mike Yankowski
Living in a cozy house with a warm bed, fridge full of food with a reliable car in the driveway. Good education and matching job. Clean clothes, sitting in a comfy seat in a fancy, high-tech church every Sunday. Its easy to say you trust God when this is your life. But what if all of these things were stripped away? Would your faith hold up? College students Mike and Sam wanted to find out. They made the radical (translate: crazy) decision to become homeless for 5 months in 6 different cities to discover if their faith was real and to see what it was like to be homeless in the wealthiest nation on Earth.
Their story will challenge and inspire you. The way you view your life and the world around you will change. The question is, what will you do with it?
Highly Recommended 5/5 stars

Their story will challenge and inspire you. The way you view your life and the world around you will change. The question is, what will you do with it?
Highly Recommended 5/5 stars