Here we are on the last day of NaBloWriMo 2012. I'm pretty pumped, because I'm ending this month only 4 posts shorts! Better than I expected, since I was traveling for the first week of the month! So for this last post of the month, let's celebrate that God answers prayer!
I have insurance through my dad, but it ends in January, when I turn 26. Two weeks before my physical was due (about two months ago), my doctor stopped taking my insurance, so I had to find a new one. I did, but there was no appointment (for a physical) until April (when my current insurance runs out in January. I was hoping to at least have my physical done before then, so I'd be set for a while in case I didn't get insurance right away). I took it, and they put me on a waiting list. I went in to see the NP that week for a dizziness issue I've been having, but she didn't seem to concerned and did some labs that were all negative.
Last month I got a bill for almost $700, just before I went away. I didn't deal with it, and planned to call this coming Monday, but I've been praying about all of this off and on since. Today I got a call saying they have an opening for a physical next week, on my day off of work! Since I had them on the phone, I talked to billing, and found that the bill was a mistake. They sent it before billing my insurance for some reason! How awesome is that! I still need to find a job/insurance soon, but at least I can get my physical and figure out this dizziness thing before then! SO HAPPY!
So thanks for following me for NaBloWriMo this year! Hope you've enjoyed it :) If you think of it, pray for this dizziness thing, and the insurance/job thing. Thanks a bunch!
How has God answered your prayers lately?
Great readinng your blog post