
Saturday, September 29, 2012


The Spark Good movement was started by one thought: What is one thing I can do this week to make my life or the world better? Jason Jaggard wanted to explore what would happen if a group of ordinary people took this challenging question to heart, so he started a group that became known as a Spark Group. From that first small group of people, hundreds of groups have popped up across the country, inspiring thousands of people to do good. This book shares some of their stories and inspires the reader to risk for the sake of good change.

I enjoyed this book. Jason Jaggard is like the guy next door that wants to tell you all about this exciting thing he's doing. It's easy to follow along and catch his excitement  The book tells the what and why about risk, but not the how. That is left to the reader, since each person's risk will look different. Each person reading this book will instinctively know what their risk needs to be (Just as if you read a quote about love, your mind goes to a certain someone). This was an easy and varied read, yet stays completely on subject. Its like sitting down with a good friend and dreaming, "what if?" Jaggard has a way with words that made me laugh out loud a few times and kept me reading.

If you've ever felt like there was more to life, this book is a starting point to finding out what.

3.5/5 Stars

*I received this book free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing in exchange for  an honest review*

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