
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

15 Days til the Dominican Republic!

It seems I haven't posted anything about my upcoming trip! So, here goes :)

A few months ago, my church's Missions Ministry was revived with the appointment of a new director. They asked me to be the assistant director, I accepted, and it's been a whirlwind of activity since! We are heading to the Dominican Republic in 15 days to begin to serve the people there. Through our director's relationships with different ministries down there already, we will have the opportunity to meet with several organizations, churches, and government officials while there for a week.

The purpose of this trip is unlike any other missions trip I've been on, and unlike most short-term trips. We are taking a small group of strategically chosen leaders in the church to "survey the land", so to speak, a little bit like the 12 spies the Israelites sent into the Promised Land (Numbers 13). We will be seeing what these different ministries are doing, what is needed, and where our church would best be able to make a lasting difference. We don't want to go reinvent the wheel, or show up and say, "This is what we're doing, and how we're going to do it, and you'd better be grateful!" We want to strategically be able to have a lasting impact of the lives of people in this area, and the best way to do that is to partner with local churches and ministries to better equip them in their work.

From this trip, we will plan our next three years of ministry to this area of the world. We plan to take several more trips to the Dominican Republic, including family and youth oriented missions trips (something I am sooooooo excited about!), and really form relationships with the people and ministry there.

I am so excited for this trip and the possibilities that are going to come from it! This is something that's been on my heart for a while and it's coming to pass! Short-term trips that are a part of a bigger, long-term ministry! Now, I would like to offer you the opportunity to partner with us. You may not be able to go on this particular trip, but can you sponsor me, financially or with prayer? The Bible recognizes equal blessings to anyone who supports missions, as to the missionary themselves. So every soul that is saved because of this trip is counted towards you, too, if you've helped support it! How cool is that? I love that God looks at the heart, and at each person's sacrifice. Perhaps giving to this mission is as much a sacrifice for you as actually going is for me. God knows that and rewards accordingly.

Now, I always hate asking for money. So let me quote Paul on this, "Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account." (Philippians 4:17). I know that I will have the money for this trip, one way or another, God will take care of it. But I want you to have the opportunity to be blessed by it, as well. If you would like to donate, you can see me in person, or send a check (made out to CCF, with "Ashley Dominican" in the memo line) to:

Community Christian Fellowship
105 Princeton Blvd.
Lowell, MA 01851

Thanks for you help and support! I am very much looking forward to this trip in two weeks and will be back to let you know how it went and what we did! If you send a check, please let me know so I can keep and eye out for it. God bless :)

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