
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I'm Ready, 2014!

I can't believe it's already 2014! The past year just flew by! And it was a great year. I did a bunch of new things, and had some incredible adventures (and I just realized I never shared about Iceland...we'll see if I can make that happen this month.) I really enjoyed 2013, and I am looking forward to 2014 even more. Let's take a look back, and a look ahead, shall we?

2013 was deemed "The Year of Awesome". I set a bunch of goals. I didn't meet each of the twenty-six goals, but I did make progress on nearly each one. Some I achieved, though! Like, I read 50 books, was really good with my budget, left the country twice, and tried one new thing each month. I came super close to my book-reviewing goal (I did 14, my goal was 15). There were only three things on my list that made little-to-no progress. I'd say that's a successful year!

I even found new things to enjoy and set new goals during the year, like taking up running and joining the Group-That-Must-Not-Be-Named.  I filled up my Books Read notebook completely (my fave books of the year to come in the next post). I spent 10 Days Without Technology. I went to Iceland and did adventurous things I never expected to ever do in my life, and I crossed some stuff off my bucket list. It was a fantastic year.

Looking ahead to 2014, I've been thinking hard about what kind of goals I want to set. I'm not going to set another 26 goals. That's a lot, and I don't want to be overwhelmed this year (that's one of my goals: rest and relax). To be honest, I'm still getting them all set, but it's going to be a much shorter list than last year, though the goals will still be important and awesome. Like, I'm toying with the idea of aiming for 500 miles run this year. I haven't decided yet. But some of the real goals on my list: Pay extra towards my loans, get to a certain jean size, read the Bible in 90 days, and cross 4 more things off the bucket list.

I'm going to continue adventuring and trying new things, but we don't have a set goal of a new thing every month for this year. We do have a list of things to try, though! I'm really excited for the possibilities of this year, and for where God is leading me. I'm excited to rest and have fun, while growing and adventuring. Bring it on, 2014!

How was your 2013? Got any big plans for 2014?

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