
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Announcing The Techless Ten

I've been brewing a plan for a while. Ever since I read Jen Hatmaker's book 7 and learned about the soon-to-be-released book from Daniel Ryan Day, 10 Days Without. The plan? To go without something for a set period of time to raise awareness and funds for a cause. Well, thanks to Daniel, this plan has been fully formed! Introducing...

For ten days (Monday, December 16 through Wednesday, December 25) I will be going techless: No iPhone, no computer, and no TV (except with friends or family. It is Christmas season...Christmas movies and Doctor Who!) Ten days with no texting. No Facebook. No Instagram. No email. No Pinterest. No Candy Crush. No makeshift flashlight. No daily Doctor Who.

Yes, I am crazy. Or as my brother and his friends said when I told them my plan, "That's stupid!" But I'm not doing this to be crazy stupid. Or even just to see if I can do it. I'm going techless to see what it's like to be unconnected. To not be able to just pick up my phone if I'm bored or lost or need an answer. But more importantly, I'll be unconnected to help fund connection. What is that supposed to mean??

My friends, the Kealeys, are preparing to move to Thailand with ZOE to build connections with kids who are at risk for, or have been victims of, human trafficking. Kerri is one of the people I've looked up to throughout my life, a real-life role model! And now she's packing up with her husband and four adorable children to go love kids who have been through more in their short lives than you and I can imagine. I'm so proud....and a bit jealous.

So while I go techless for ten days, I'm asking you to sponsor me and donate to these awesome people doing awesome work. You can make a one time donation of your choosing, or donate a fee per day (say, $10/day? Keep the theme going?), or however you'd like to do it. Donations can go directly through their page on the ZOE website. When you make a donation, can you do me a favor and let me know? I'd just like to see how much we raise during this time! You can post below anonymously, if you'd like.

Please spread the word about this experiment. I will be hand-writing about the experience throughout the week for my family and friends to post here, and Kerri will be guest-posting one of the days for us! Share this and coming posts with the hashtags #10DaysWithout and #TechlessTen so we can follow along!

So, what do you think of this challenge? Think I'll make it? Would you be able to do it?

Questions? Encouragement? Leave them below! Want to know more about the Kealeys and Zoe? Check out these links:
ZOE missionaries
Kealey Family Blog

1 comment:

  1. Proud of you and your commitment to do this! Praying for you.


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