This week, there is something we can do!
I've been asked by the folks at The Exodus Road, a non-profit empowering literal rescue, to help fuel investigations for active cases of pedophilia in Malaysia*. Because of the work they've been doing, and the respect they've garnered from local law enforcement, they have been given dozens of open cases to investigate.
The undercover team there needs about $35 per night to conduct local investigations, and the blogging team I serve with at the Exodus Road wants to send these men out for an entire month, 30 nights. That's $1,050 to raise, if you're curious. The funds will go to the travel, lodging, and investigative expenses. We will literally be "hiring" an investigator, on our behalf, to go look for children and gather the evidence needed to put pedophiles behind bars.
We have one week to raise the funds needed to send out to this trained team of operatives. This campaign will end on June 2nd, so I'm asking each of us to donate just $10 to this cause. And giving is super simple.
If you've got a smartphone, pull it out and text "4thekids" to 41444. You'll immediately recieve a link to follow and make a tax-free donation with your credit card.
Or if you'd rather give online, you can donate here to give on The Exodus Road site. Write "bust pedophiles" in the comment section.
Let's join together to bust some pedophiles and bring hope and healing to kids stuck in slavery. Will you join me?
*Location has been changed for security
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