
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Finally! Adios!

Today's the day! I'm leaving for Iquitos, Peru in just a few short hours! There's now 16 of us going (down from the 24 in October and 18 last month). I feel like the team mom or something because my bag is filled with snacks, first aid supplies, medicines and things to get through just about any emergency. Here's where we're going. 

See Iquitos all by itself up top? That's where we're going! One of the largest cities in the world unreachable by land; Only way in is by air or boat. It sits right on the Amazon! We don't have a really clear view of what it'll be like, urban or jungle. Google doesn't help. It seems like a crazy mix of both when I hunt around, so here's a picture of both. The city:
And the river villages. The houses float in the rainy season. Guess what season it is now??

Thats right! Rainy!! According to the internet weather sites, its expected to be around 90 degrees (F) and around 90% humidity....Thats the one thing that I am not excited about. Well, time to go shower. Please keep us in your prayers as we travel to share the Word and Hope of God with these people!

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